On Truth
We tend to think that we are fully right when we are discussing/arguing with someone about something, but how do we know that what we defend is the right position? how do we know it is true? What is the Truth? Why do we look for that Truth? Why is my Truth so different from yours?
"The idea of life as a quest and as a journey has been underlined in this work. Apart from the references to the quest in The Serpent and the Rope, we have found several references to it in European authors and works, such as that of T. S. Eliot and Homer´s The Odyssey. This is why we defend that we all want to reach the TRUTH, no matter whether we live in an Eastern or in a Western society (...)
(...) I'll show you what is missing here once you have read your 20th Century Literature readings... I don't want to spoil them (...)
Apart from being universal, the search for Truth is what causes conflicts among societies and individuals because we have different perspectives towards this Truth (in form of Christian God, of Universe, of Advaita Vedanta etc.). This has been so since the beginnings of the human race: What is true for one person can be false for another one and it is just a question of perspective (“Truth is a question of perspective”). This applies to religion and philosophy, but it can even be applied to politics. So, this quest for Truth has a consequence for our human relationships, because in our opinion it is the difference in perspective what causes the collisions and divides societies into irreconciliable worlds."
From the Conclusion of "When shall we cease from exploration?", an analysis of The Serpent and the Rope, by Raja Rao.
**My apologies for my poor English.**
"The idea of life as a quest and as a journey has been underlined in this work. Apart from the references to the quest in The Serpent and the Rope, we have found several references to it in European authors and works, such as that of T. S. Eliot and Homer´s The Odyssey. This is why we defend that we all want to reach the TRUTH, no matter whether we live in an Eastern or in a Western society (...)
(...) I'll show you what is missing here once you have read your 20th Century Literature readings... I don't want to spoil them (...)
Apart from being universal, the search for Truth is what causes conflicts among societies and individuals because we have different perspectives towards this Truth (in form of Christian God, of Universe, of Advaita Vedanta etc.). This has been so since the beginnings of the human race: What is true for one person can be false for another one and it is just a question of perspective (“Truth is a question of perspective”). This applies to religion and philosophy, but it can even be applied to politics. So, this quest for Truth has a consequence for our human relationships, because in our opinion it is the difference in perspective what causes the collisions and divides societies into irreconciliable worlds."
From the Conclusion of "When shall we cease from exploration?", an analysis of The Serpent and the Rope, by Raja Rao.
**My apologies for my poor English.**